Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dear Rain God...

...I don't know if your staff responded to my request or you did, but whoever is responsible for making my wish come true, it came a whole two days late! Not complaining about the wish fulfilment part as much as the timing. I wanted to wake up on a dark, cloudy Saturday or Sunday morning, dripping wet as someone who's just had a nice warm shower. I ended up getting a wet morning today, and basically had to pry my eyes open and get out of my warm, comfortable bed as early as 8 am.

And...my life's companion had already walked out the door when Bombay got swamped in by brown pools of slush. We had no fun.

Next time you listen to my requests, please please get the day right. That's more important than getting a beautifully rainy day where all you need to do is stay right indoors and watch the pools filling up right outside.

And BMC: You guys better watch out! The average Bombayite is hopping mad right now.

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