Monday, November 30, 2009

The Morning News and a Cup of Tea

At this stage, it's the best combination on earth. Other than a bad movie and a good bottle of wine after.

Love Hindustan Times - especially the weekend reads of both HT and HT Cafe. Tuesdays are good too... I've just finished reading Chickwit, Blog Improvement and Expat Opinion. Blog Improvement today gave me mixed messages - she writes about how ensuring a good read (grab attention, know your audience kind of tips) improves or brings about its linkeability (more people visiting your blog and referring your stuff to others) while "doing your own thing" (which is...). It's kind of giving your perspective a professional edge. And a blog, to me, is something a lot more personal. If the writing does not appeal, that's fine too coz you're not really selling anything. For me, it's like making my diary or journal entry user friendly. I don't want to do that because it would cramp my style.

Plus, I feel close to those who visit and leave comments for me. Maria, Leah and Nancy - you guys really make me want to blog more, even if it's just me keeping in touch with you.

Chickwit was a relaxing read although it did look at serious issues - women and their self esteem when it comes to their appearance. Her style of writing is casual but strong - it engages your attention well right until the last full stop (period). She talks about being in your thirties and competing with twenty-somethings. Just to keep up with the times. And twenty-somethings obsessing about their food and looks. My seventeen-year old and twenty-one year old cousins do make me feel older than my twenty-nine years. Of course, I havent really taken care of myself the way I used to when I was twenty-seven. And I've got a whole lifetime ahead of me (unless the world's ending in 2012, which makes me wonder if losing weight and not binging is really worth it).

Expat Opinion is a very interesting column. You get to see your world from a stranger's eyes. A person who's a stranger to your country, not just your city. You get to experience the flaws and virtues of this city through their eyes. Of course, you do understand the reason they're here and you see the spark of it in their words, in their stories. The utter confusion, the lack of proper systems and yet, you find the city functioning the way it is... and a heart-warming moment when your neighbours reach out to you and help you adjust to your surroundings.

I really do not miss the Times of India. They could take a leaf out of HT's book or rather, newspaper.


Leah said...

You know, after reading this I went and checked out some Blog Improvement links in general, and I think I agree with you--some of the advice, if taken, would be too limiting. Better in general just let your blog be just what you want it to be!

I also checked out Hindustan Times online and really enjoyed taking a peek around. The Expat blog was interesting. I had not thought until now of all the many online English-language newspapers that are available to me, to introduce me to another place in the world!

Neat post, thanks!

The Girl from Lokhandwala said...

Hey, that's great, Leah! I enjoy reading HT every day.

Re the blog improvement - you, Maria and Nancy write from your heart and that is what makes your blogs brilliant. Eventually, readers come because of that - maybe blog improvement tips have not all that much to do with it.

Leah said...

Omigosh, I just realized when I saw this that the Girl from Lokhandwala is you!!! I didn't realize it when I saw your comment recently on my blog--I'm sorry for being so thick!!!

Anyway, thanks--that is such a nice compliment. Well, your blog has a great feel too. And you've introduced me to so many new things already.

By the way, I loved your 2012 and Wine post--it was funny and poignant (the dream especially). I'm a little bit scared of disaster movies. I'm totally okay with individual gore and murder and zombies and such, but large-scale sometimes makes me hyperventilate!

The Girl from Lokhandwala said...

Leah, this is interesting...2012 made me hyper much before i saw it (had a crazy nightmare) but while watching it I didnt get as spooked.

Dont ever stop blogging, although every blogger needs a break once in a while. Your blog and the way you write inspire me a lot!