Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rain is falling!

It rained last evening. From 7 pm onwards there was a thick breeze, tightening a few knots here and there, bursting through the leaves of every tree and raising gathered dust in cyclonic thrusts. It tempted me greatly to get out and walk all the way to the library, across the main road; get out from the sidelines and get into the fray. Which I did, getting soaked on my way there, getting splashed from bikes, cars and children and either tripping my way into puddles or feeling the cement blocks shift from under my feet when in one.

And to top off everything, i got lost in my own backyard. There's this maze of buildings called Vrindavan and I entered it (it's always on my way home) confidently only to stop and stare a few times at unrecognizable signboards and lanes. I wanted to find a particular shop where they sell good, homemade, hot food to supplement the supper at home. And ended up finding it only after I'd gone so far ahead, I'd reached the very periphery and never even realized how I got there.

Getting lost in a concrete jungle may not make you see a tiger or two but was certainly scary as it poured and I kept walking towards lonely, puddle-filled corners that I'd never seen before.

Finally, of course, after reaching the periphery, I could manage to recognize the alternate lane to go to that shop. Carrying hot chapatis and warm zunka, I trudged home, a slight flush of victory and near-abandon on my face.

The morning I woke up to today wasnt sunny at all, it was slightly drizzling and it's increased its tempo now that I sit to write at my computer. It's a beautiful morning and I'm just bursting to enjoy it.

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