Friday, June 27, 2008

The Generation Chasm...

It's really deep. In many ways, I'm proud to say this, my mom in law is very, very broad-minded. The really important things like an idiotic (novice) daughter-in-law who is illiterate when it comes to customs and traditions and Marathi, of course...although, I'm getting better at the language. But when it comes to food, except when I cook it, she has very strong dislikes and prefers to starve than to do something totally out of the expected and ordinary, like eat a curry cooked only in wine. She might even cook it for us but eat way!

She spent a few weeks in Europe, mostly London, at the home of this friend of my dad in law. His Italian wife cooked a meal for them that had almost everything on the menu cooked, glazed, or marinated in wine. My mom in law said that she didnt eat a bite of anything. Even in hunger, so I dont know what she did after that meal. I, on the other hand, am probably the daughter in law from hell the way I can chase all the things that she runs away from. Of course, she doesnt know it :) and it's going to stay that way even if I have to swear off a few things.

We can talk about almost anything. Almost. This is where I would rather shut up and let her do the talking. It's not even the generation, I guess, it's the gap of a traditional mother and her very untraditional (although I'm not very liberal either) daughter in law.

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