Sunday, September 14, 2008

Road to Freedom...

A two-hour bus and rickshaw ride from the outskirts of Bombay to its innermost suburbs. Welcomed by the sight of marinating chicken and browning gravy with carrot salad on the side. The aroma of jeera rice wafted through the house. I dont think I need to specifically tell anyone reading this that I went home last Friday.

I need only the smallest reason to visit home. On Friday, I'd made plans to meet a friend who's getting married in what I thought was a Neeta Lulla outfit. Turns out she didnt like the range that escalated from 60,000 Rs. No VFM, sadly. She stuck to a bright red ensemble from Seasons. After making me wait for more than half an hour in a cold waiting room, she shimmered in and we floated out after a few minutes of how's it goings and how do you feel about the weddings. I had a look at the jewellery she was taking with her to Bhuleshwar market and happily noticed how my wedding present to her (more jewellery) seemed to fit right in with her collection and taste.

I had two fun-filled days at home, zipping from one suburb to another, stocking up on mom's preparations (made specially for me) and going for a function where everyone was glad to see me. After two "You've put on weight!!" observations, I was pleased to receive a compliment from an unexpected source. It was a very pretty one too. "She looks even more beautiful after marriage."

I started my exercise regime again this morning.

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