Monday, July 14, 2008

I start off trying to burn calories early in the morning. Just like I straightened out my cupboards yesterday, I need to straighten out my excess baggage round specific strategic locations of my body. I'm tired of comments like 'You look like you're enjoying marriage' 'You've put on so many...' etc. So I started off and actually managed an improvement on my push-ups (not saying how many, nope).

I miss Scotland Street. I really miss Domenica, Pat, Bruce and Matthew with his new-found money bank. And Big Lou. And Bertie. I'm reading The Right Attitude to Rain and while it's nice on its own, I prefer Scotland Street. That's more 'happening'. Tons more exciting than this one. Perhaps I should've picked Friends, Lovers and Chocolate in this series, but I desperately needed Scotland and picked the only one that was available.

Of course, Detective Ramotswe's a complete adventure waiting to unfold. That will definitely be next on my reading agenda, right after the Miniaturist.

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